13307 Miami Lane
Caldwell, ID - 83607
(208) 455-5345
Southwest District Health attends to the health needs of low income individuals and families, we also provide services that have a daily impact on every resident, guest, and visitor of our six-county area regardless of income or social status.
Other Services Provided:
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, Breast & Cervical Cancer Prevention, Breast Feeding Education and Support, Colon Cancer Prevention, Communicable Disease, Daycare Facilities, Dental Health, Diabetes Education and Prevention, District Care, Epidemiology, Family Planning, Fit and Fall Proof, Food Protection Program, Immunizations, Land Development, Landfills/Solid Waste, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), Mortgage Surveys, Physical Activity and Nutrition, Public Health Preparedness, Public Swimming Pools, Public Water Supply, Sewage Disposal, Skin Cancer Prevention, STD/HIV/AIDS Prevention, Tobacco Cessation, Tobacco Use Prevention, Vector and Rodent Control, Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)
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