1600 S Main St
Lebanon, OR - 97355
(800) 304-7468
Reproductive health services offers birth control at low or no cost; female physical exams; STD testing and treatment for both males and females; pregnancy testing, as well as vasectomy counseling.
Staff of Reproductive Health Clinic
Registered Nurse Practitioners and Registered Nurses provide professional care to the citizens of Linn County at our two clinics in Albany and Lebanon. Additionally, we have the support of bilingual Medical Assistants and Spanish translators available on most days in our clinics.
All of our services are confidential. According to state law, reproductive health services provided to teens may be obtained without the specific consent of a minors parent. We do, however, encourage communication with parents on such an important subject. No information about you will be released without your written permission.
Birth Control and Female Examinations
The clinical staff will assess your medical history and assist you in your decision regarding the best birth control method for you. We provide a wide variety of birth control methods in our clinic. We also have available emergency contraception or the "morning after pill" in each of our clinics. Our Nurse Practitioners complete annual physical exams and evaluate the health of our female clients while promoting prevention and healthy living. Nurse Practitioners make referrals to other medical providers for follow-up care on identified health concerns. Oregon Contraceptive Care (CCare) is a program that offers birth control methods for women and men free of cost or at a discounted price. To find out more information about CCare or if you qualify, follow the link provided: CCare
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Both men and women can be tested at our clinics for STDs. In most cases, women will have a vaginal culture taken for evaluation. Men can be tested for STDs using a urine testing method. If results show that you have an STD, you will be given treatment by our clinic nursing staff according to the CDC recommendations for treatment of the specific STD.
For more information on different types and symptoms of STDs, click here.
Pregnancy Testing
Pregnancy testing is available on a sliding fee scale and no one will be denied service because of an inability to pay. A nurse will provide you with your results and answer any questions you may have. If test results are positive, the Oregon Mother's Care program staff is available to help with the Oregon Health Plan Application.
For more information on reproductive health counseling services, click here.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
You may qualify for the Linn County Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCC). This program provides a woman's health check up and a mammogram for those who qualify.
HIV Testing and Counseling
Confidential HIV testing and counseling is available throughout our clinics. Call to make an appointment for testing today.
To review information on HIV/AIDS, click here.
Services for Men
Testing and treatment for STDs and HIV testing and counseling are available at our clinics. We also have counseling and referral for low or no cost vasectomies, utilizing local physicians who perform our vasectomy procedures. Call your local clinic for an appointment.
For more information on our vasectomy counseling services, click here.
Payment Options
The clinic accepts payment for services from: Contraceptive Care of Oregon (CCare), Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid), Healthy Kids, Title X, and some private insurances. Services can be offered on a sliding fee scale. No one is ever denied services due to inability to pay. To find out more information about State and Federal Insurance Programs, follow the links provided below or call the office to set up an appointment with an enrollment specialist.
CCare Link
CCare Facebook Link
Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) Link
Healthy Kids Link
Title X Link
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