1205 N Front St
Niles, MI - 49120
(269) 684-2800
STD Testing & Counseling
The Berrien County Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic provides confidential testing and treatment and is offered by appointment. The clinic nurses are experienced and trained to provide confidential counseling, testing and treatment for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Trichomoniasis, and Bacterial Vaginitis.
A nurse will see you, and ask questions about your health and what your testing needs are. It is especially important to know about any body rashes or lesions/bumps in your genital area. Services are delivered in a non-judgmental manner, so please tell the nurse what you know so you get the best care. It is important to understand your risks for acquiring a STD, and the nurse can help you identify steps you can take that may prevent future infections. Rapid HIV testing is available and offered at every STD clinic visit.
At your visit, a nurse will assess your immunization history and recommend vaccines that will benefit you and your health, such as vaccines for Hepatitis B, HPV, and Tdap.
Persons who test positive for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Trichomoniasis, or Bacterial Vaginitis are offered treatment at the STD Clinic.
Retesting Recommendation
It is recommended for persons who have tested positive for either Gonorrhea or Chlamydia, to get retested three months after treatment.
By appointment, Tuesdays 9:00-11:00 AM and 1:00-3:30 PM
Please call to schedule an appointment. Some evening appointments are available.
We provide information on, but do not conduct testing for: Herpes or HPV/Genital Warts. Occasionally, a person may come in with symptoms that are very serious; in that case, we will make a referral to a doctor, clinic, or emergency room.
We do not provide Pap smears in the STD Clinic, but they are available through the Family Planning Clinic. We encourage all sexually active woman to have a Pap smear every year or as often as suggested by your doctor.
Cost of Services
STD Clinic Use Fee for In-State Resident: $10
STD Clinic Use Fee for Out-of-State Resident: $20
Court Ordered STD Testing: $75
Laboratory services will be billed to your insurance provider, with permission
No one denied services due to inability to pay
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