509 South 9th Street
Temple, TX - 76504
(254) 778-4766
Counties served: Bell, Coryell, San Saba, Lampasas, Llano
Clientele: General public
Spanish speaking staff.
Anonymous HIV testing, confidential HIV testing, STD testing, Hepatitis C testing, Hepatitis B testing, TB testing, STD clinical treatment, TB clinical treatment, Hepatitis vaccination (A or B) , nurse on-site, immunizations, family planning, gynecological care.
The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) HIV/STD Program has the duty to identify, report, prevent, and control HIV, AIDS, and STDs in the State of Texas.
The Program is dedicated to preventing the spread of HIV and other STDs while minimizing complications and costs.
This is achieved primarily through education, prevention counseling, screening and testing, partner elicitation and notification, and the provision of medical and social services.
While some of these services are directly provided, most are provided through contracts with community-based agencies.
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