1425 Malvern Ave
Hot Springs, AR - 71901
(501) 624-3394
STD screening for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV is available at all local health departments in Arkansas at no cost to the patient. Early detection and treatment of patients and their partners avoids long term health complications as a result of untreated STDs. The STD Prevention Program supports chlamydia, gonorrhea, Syphilis screening with federal and state funding.
The mission of the Arkansas Department of Healths STD Prevention program is to significantly reduce and prevent sexually transmitted diseases and infections in the state of Arkansas.
The goals of the STD Prevention Program are to:
Increase community screening and treatment per CDC guidance;
Improve services for STD clients and their partners including linkages to care;
Reduce re-infection; and
Increase community and provider knowledge of STD-related treatment, prevention, epidemiology and effective polices.
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